Common Mistakes to Avoid in Home Cannabis Cultivatio

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Home Cannabis Cultivation

As the legalization of cannabis spreads across the U.S., more people are embracing the idea of growing weed at home. While growing your own cannabis can be exciting and rewarding, it does come with some challenges. In this article, we review some of the most common mistakes novice growers make and how to avoid them.

Overwatering & Underwatering

The most frequent mistake made by new growers is overwatering or underwatering. This can lead to root rot or nutrient deficiencies. Cannabis plants prefer soil that is well-drained and they do not like to sit in waterlogged conditions.

TIP: Allow the top inch of the soil to dry out between waterings.

Insufficient Lighting

Enable for your cannabis plants to thrive, they require ample light, without it, it can severely stunt their growth. Whether you are growing indoors or out, be sure your plants are positioned to absorb as much of the light as possible. 

TIP: If growing indoors, invest in high-quality lighting. If growing outdoors, monitor the sunlight in your yard to determine the best placement for your cannabis plants. 

pH Level Monitoring

The pH levels of your water and soil are crucial to the effective absorption of nutrients. Regular testing of your water and soil can assist in avoiding nutrient deficiencies. Your pH level for your water and soil should be 6.0-7.0 for soil grows, and 5.5-6.5 for hydroponic grows. 

TIP: Around the Centerville/Dayton, Ohio areas, the tap water is pretty close to being naturally accurate. Be sure to check your tap waters pH level before you invest in additional products as you may not need to.

Overfeeding & Underfeeding

Similar to overwatering and underwatering, feeding is an essential piece to the success of your cannabis plant. Overfeeding or underfeeding your plants can cause burns or deficiencies which can hinder your plants growth and abundance. 

TIP: Be sure to follow a nutrient schedule based on your cannabis plants growth stage.

Plant Training

An untrained cannabis plant can grow unevenly and fail to maximize potential. Training your cannabis plant includes topping, LST (low-stress training), and pruning. These techniques promote better light penetration and airflow throughout the plant. 

TIP: Utilizing all the techniques listed above will help to maximize your cannabis plants yield. 

Pest & Disease Prevention

Whether you are growing indoors or outdoors, pests and diseases can devastate cannabis plants if left untreated. By regular inspecting your plants for signs of pests or disease and prompt remediation, you can save your plants from devastation.

TIP: Remember, you will be smoking your cannabis plants, ONLY use all-natural ways to manage pests and diseases such as neem oil or other natural remedies.

Harvesting Too Soon or Too Late

As a new cannabis grower, educating yourself on your specific strain will be an essential part to understanding your plants lifecycle. Timing your harvest correctly is crucial to maximizing yield potential. Monitoring the trichomes when they turn from clear to milky white ensures the best results. 

TIP: Enable to identify the trichomes, you must purchase a miniature magnifying glass.

The success of your cannabis home grow requires attention to detail and a proactive approach. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can improve the health of your crops and maximize the yield of your plants. Growing cannabis is an art and a science, by learning and adapting to your plants needs will lead to the most rewarding outcome. 

Give the home grow experts at HomeGrow Helpline a call to maximize your first years cannabis plants potential. With our proven results and recommendations based on our specific area, you can make the most of your cannabis plants right in the comfort of your own backyard. Happy growing!


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