The Beginner's Guide to Growing Cannabis at Home

The Beginner's Guide to Growing Cannabis at Home in the Greater Dayton, Ohio area.

Welcome to the green and wonderful world of home-grown cannabis. As an Ohioan, your dream of cultivating your own little patch of bountiful cannabis is now legal and sure to be an exciting adventure. Whether you're a total newbie or you've dabbled in gardening before, this guide will provide you with helpful tips and tricks to help you grow healthy, vibrant, and bountiful cannabis plants, right in the comfort of your own backyard. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your gardening tools, and let's dive into the delightful art of cannabis cultivation. 

Choosing Your Seeds

When choosing between seeds that you've found in your marijuana or feminized ones that are purchased through a seed company, there are several things to consider.

Feminized Seeds - What Does This Mean?

Cannabis plants produce both male and female seeds. Unless you are trying to create a new strain, the male plants will want to be discarded at the first sign of male growth. Although the plant will grow and look similar to the female plant, the male cannabis won't have the same effect as the female plant and could potentially have no effect at all. The mix of male and female plants in your grow area can also cause your female plants to be seedy and who wants seedy weed?

How Can I Tell The Difference Between A Male and A Female Cannabis Plant?

Both male and female cannabis plants will start to show their sex in the pre-flowering stage, usually around 4-6 weeks from germination. 

Difference between male and female cannabis plants explained in Greater Dayton, Ohio area.

Female Plants

Appearance: Look for tiny, hair-like structures, called pistils, coming out of the nodes. This is where the leaves and branches meet the stem. This indicates that your plant is a female. YIPPY!

Formation: The pistils will initially appear white and wispy but overtime, they will darken and curl.

Function: The pistils are part of the reproductive system and these will eventually develop into buds.

Male Plants

Appearance: Look for small, round pollen sacs at the nodes, these are called staminate. 

Formation: These will start to grow in clusters and might resemble grapes. 

Function: Male plants release pollen which germinate female plants. This can lead to seed production rather than bid development. These should be removed immediately. 

Choosing Your Grow Space

Assuming you will be taking advantage of your fenced in backyard and plant your cannabis outdoors, you will want to determine the best place for maximum yield. You should consider the amount of lighting the plant will get, the potential size of each plant, and the quality of your soil and it's draining capabilities. Failing to do so can lead to less yield and possibly even bud rot. Take the time to get to know your backyard, it's sun and shade patterns and how your designated areas are draining with rain or watering. 

Choosing How To Germinate and Plant

Cannabis seeds can be germinated by placing them in a wet paper towel or by planting them directly into the soil. Both methods work and take about the same amount of time to grow. If you have placed your seed in a paper towel or a cup, you could continue to transplant it to bigger pots to increase its chance for bigger and more abundant buds. If placed directly in the soil, be sure there is about 4 foot of space between your plants from all sides. This allows your plant to grow to its full potential and allows good airflow throughout the plant which they like. 

Choosing When To Water and Feed

Creating a watering schedule, every other day, or whatever option is right for your plants, will help keep your plants growing and in good condition. Be sure not to overwater your plants and consider skipping days when it has rained or you notice puddles around your plants. Your plants may need watered if they are droopy or starting to turn brown or yellow.
Feeding your plants should be put on a schedule too. Feeding your plants will vary depending on the growth stage that it is in. Feeding should include ONLY all-natural ingredients, remember, you are smoking or consuming this plant, be sure to use only organic and non-harming products at all stages of the growth cycle. 

Choosing How To Manage Pests and Disease

The most common pests on cannabis plants in Ohio are spider mites and ants. Your leaves may have holes in them or you may notice small spiders throughout the plant. Treating all your pests should be done so with an organic approach. By simply keeping your plant in good condition, you can secure your plants health and avoid common diseases or pest infestations.

Choosing When To Harvest

When it comes to harvesting your cannabis plants, this will vary depending on the strain of cannabis that you are growing. Each plant has their own lifecycle. Familiarizing yourself with each plants lifecycle will help you stay on top of harvesting and when to start checking them.  You don't want to pull them too early or too late. Purchasing a small microscope (like a jeweler uses) will allow you to monitor your plants up-close and personal and give you confidence when choosing to pull them.

Choosing Where To Dry

When you have determined that your plants are ready for harvest, you need to have a place for them to hang, upside down, where it is cool and there is low humidity. Your plant will need to dry for at least 5-10 days, this will vary depending on the plants size. Your cannabis plant is ready for trimming when you can break the stems on your plant cleanly, without them bending.

Choosing To Stay Legal

As an anxious home grower in Ohio ourselves, choosing to stay legal is a crucial part to growing cannabis in your backyard. At this time, each adult can grow 6 cannabis plants. If there are 2 or more adults in a household, the household limit is 12 so it should not exceed that. Be sure your plants are hidden from the public and secured behind a fence. 

Congratulations, you have made it to the end of the beginners guide for growing cannabis at home. By now, you should have a solid foundation to starting your own growing adventure. Remember, like any hobby, it takes time, patience, and a bit of trial and error to master the art of cannabis cultivation. But, with each grow cycle, you'll gain experience and confidence. So, get out there and start planting - your future self will thank you for the lush, green, and aromatic rewards that await! Happy growing!

If you have questions about growing cannabis at home, give the experts at HomeGrow Helpline a call at (937) 476-1669 and let us help. Problems with pest infestation, bud rot, or planning a trip out of town? We can help troubleshoot and assist with plant management while you are out of town. We have the experience and honest solutions to growing bountiful cannabis right in the comfort of your own backyard.

HomeGrow Helpline
(937) 476-1669


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